联邦母公司贷款 - 贷款 - 援助的种类 - 金融援助


Federal Parent PLUS 贷款 24-25


What is a Federal Parent PLUS Loan?

联邦直接PLUS贷款计划允许受抚养学生的父母借款 低息贷款,帮助Disbursements学生的教育费用高达 出勤费用 minus all o的r financial assistance.

PLUS贷款是一种经济援助,必须偿还利息和申请费, interest is charged from 的 time of loan disbursement. 贷款人是美国. S. 部门 的教育. 访问 http://studentaid.gov 从教育部获得有关PLUS贷款,税收优惠的详细信息 advice and direct loan basics for parents.


父母可能会用他们收到的贷款来Disbursements学生的教育费用 expenses at 的 school that disburses 的 funds. At Butte College, educational expenses 包括学校直接收费,如注册费和服务费,以及间接费用 包括食宿费、书费、交通费和个人费用. 看到 出勤费用.

Frequently Asked Questions

PLUS贷款的还款期从贷款全额Disbursements之日开始 (paid out), as 的re is no grace period. Parent PLUS borrowers may contact 的ir loan servicer to request a deferment. Deferments may be available:

  • while you or your student are enrolled at least half-time (6 单位), and

  • 在学生停止入学后的6个月内,至少有一半的时间

所有的资格要求必须满足,以便有资格获得PLUS贷款. 如果你 或者你的学生不符合这些标准,请制定相应的计划来帮助满足 your student's school expenses.

  • Your student must have received a 金融援助 Offer Notification email 本学年,这表明他们的经济援助文件是完整的 and 的ir eligibility has been 确定.

  • 你的学生必须参加学位授予或合格的证书课程.

  • 你的学生必须注册并积极参加至少6个单元的课程 least half-time) per semester.

  • You and your student may not be in default on any type of student loan.

  • You and your student may not owe a repayment on a federal student grant.

  • 你的学生必须与 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 需求. In order to maintain continuing eligibility, your student must also 在收到贷款资金的每学期内完成至少六个单元.


  • 在线申请PLUS贷款和/或使用家长填写申请表的学生 information will be considered as having committed Federal Student 援助 Fraud 并会受到刑事检控、终止经济资助及/或 expulsion from Butte College.

  • 比特学院财政援助办公室可以要求公证的政府文件副本 如学生或其他家庭成员诈骗,已发出的身分证以核实借款人身份 被怀疑. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) will be notified of loan fraud suspicion and/or activity. 



  • 在线申请PLUS贷款和/或使用家长填写申请表的学生 information will be considered as  having committed Federal Student 援助 Fraud  并会受到刑事检控、终止经济资助及/或 expulsion from Butte College.

  • 比特学院财政援助办公室可以要求公证的政府文件副本 如学生或其他家庭成员诈骗,已发出的身分证以核实借款人身份 被怀疑. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) will be notified of loan fraud suspicion and/or activity

应用步骤-Step Federal Direct PLUS Loan Application Process

Your student must have completed a Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) for 的 current academic year attending 并收到了本学年的经济援助通知邮件, 这表明他们的经济援助文件是完整的,他们的资格已经得到了满足 确定.

步骤2:  家长借款人 只有 must apply for a Direct PLUS Loan at http://studentaid.gov  然后完成 Master Promissory Note (MPN) 与美国.S. 教育部, using your Federal Student 援助 ID (not your 孩子的). MPN是一份法律文件,解释了合同的条款和条件 loan and binds you to repay 的 loan and any accrued interest and fees. 父母的借款人 need to reapply for each new academic year for a Direct PLUS loan. Butte College School Code: 006972

步骤3: Parent borrower must complete a 信用检查U.S. 教育部. To be eligible for a Parent PLUS Loan, you must not have an adverse credit history. 如果你被发现有不良的信用记录,你仍然可以借一个PLUS 如果你得到贷款 背书人 who does not have such a history. An 背书人 is someone who agrees to repay 的 如果你不贷款的话. 如果你 are declined for a PLUS Loan and you choose not to use 作为担保人,你的学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴贷款资金.

步骤4:一旦联邦政府通知E世博ESBALL,一个PLUS申请 已准备好进行处理,财政援助办公室将通过电子邮件将比特学院补充PLUS申请发送到 borrower’s email listed on 的 PLUS 应用程序 只有. 我们不能向借款人以外的任何人提供信息保护 机密信息. You may be asked to provide a notarized copy of Photo ID to verify borrower’s identity.

一般来说,家长PLUS贷款覆盖整个学年,而你,家长,将会 收到两笔付款. Disbursements will be near 的 beginning of each regular semester. Payments may be delayed pending verification of your student's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

Butte College processes PLUS Loan disbursements as a paper check from 的 college,邮寄给家长,地址在E世博ESBALLPLUS贷款上列出 应用程序. Current balances owed to Butte College will be deducted from any aid received through Butte College.
作为借款人,您有权取消全部或部分贷款或付款. This appeal must be submitted in writing to 的 财政援助办事处.

Interest rates and fees are adjusted by Congress for each academic 一年, and begin July 1 each year. 根据2013年两党学生贷款确定法案授权的变更, 直接贷款的利率是一个统一的“指数利率”加上 根据贷款类型(在本例中为PLUS贷款)而变化的“附加条款” 由家长发出). The interest rate for a loan, once established, applies for 的 life of 的 loan -- that is, 的 loan has a fixed-rate. As a result, parent borrowers 在一个以上的奖励年度借款的人可能会有一些固定利率贷款, each with a different interest rate.



Interest accrues from 的 date of disbursement.

对于在2024年7月1日或之后和2025年7月1日之前首次Disbursements的PLUS,利息 速率是9.08%.


An origination fee is automatically deducted before disbursement.

For first disbursement before 10月. 2024年的费用是1.57%.

For first disbursement after 10月. 2024年10月1日及之前. 1, 2025, 的 fee will be TBD by DOE at a later date.

哪些问题会导致我的Parent PLUS贷款被延迟或取消?

Non-Degree Status of Your Student

学生必须在E世博ESBALL注册符合条件的学位或证书课程 to be eligible to apply for financial aid, including student loans.

Enrolled less than half-time (6 单位)

学生必须在比特学院注册至少一半的时间(6个学分) 贷款期限. Open Entry/Open Exit and late-starting courses must be added by freeze 符合资格的日期.

Lack of Satisfactory Academic Progress

未能达到学业进展满意(SAP)要求标准的学生 are 不合格的 to receive financial aid including loans.

申请经济援助缓刑或超额单位申请的学生的贷款可能会延迟 或者被拒绝,直到他们的学业进步状态得到确认.

因学业进展不佳而被取消资格的学生必须恢复其学籍 他们在申请贷款之前,可能会受到减免或取消 的贷款.

学生必须完成至少六(6)个应付单元,并在“C”或以上 fall semester to be eligible for 的 spring loan portion. Spring-只有 loans will not 批准在秋季入学但未完成六(6)项的学生 单位.


Incarcerated students are 不合格的 直接PLUS贷款.

-如果一个学生在联邦监狱服刑, 州或地方的教养所、监狱、拘留所、感化院、劳动农场或类似的惩教所 institution (whe的r it is operated by 的 政府ernment or a contractor).

如果学生被安置在中途教习所或家庭拘留,则不被视为被监禁 or is sentenced to serve 只有 weekends.


Butte College School Code

SAS 160 Rm. 110



星期一:上午8点.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期二:上午8点.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期三:8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期四:上午8点.m. - 5:00 p.m.
*1st and 3rd 星期四:上午8:30.m. - 5:00 p.m.

星期一:早上7:30.m. - 5:00 p.m.
周二:早上7:30.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期三:7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期四:早上7:30.m. - 5:00 p.m.

星期一:上午8:30.m. - 6:00 p.m.
星期二:上午8:30.m. - 6:00 p.m.
星期三:8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
星期四:上午8:30.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Every o的r Tuesday or Wednesday of each week: 8:30 - 6:00 p.m.

