Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways

Being Student Ready                            

Guided Pathways is an equity-focused framework that allows colleges to forge clear paths for students and remove systemic obstacles to their success. This framework centers the student experience in system-wide decision making and works to meet the goals of the California Community College Vision for Success ( and Call to Action.

Dash to success is the visioning of the next phase of Guided Pathway efforts. Check out the Dash To Success page for an update on current efforts.

Community Colleges are designed to facilitate access and tend to focus on providing a wide variety of individual courses rather than clearly structured programs. According to the state student success scorecard, only 43% of Butte College students attempting to achieve an outcome (graduation, certificate and/or transfer) actually do within six years.This site shows that our attempt at Guided Pathways is intended to provide structured pedagogy, processes and systems that support student connection, entry, progress and completion of certificates and degrees, or support transfer to four-year institutions with junior standing in a major. These highly structured student experiences encourage completion.

"A Guided Pathways concept does not limit student choice. Instead, it provides opportunities to explore while supporting the likelihood of completion," Robert White, Dean of Instruction Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics and Guided Pathways

For additional information on Guided Pathway metrics visit the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Launchboard.

What Guided Pathways seeks to achieve.

Advance Equity: Removing barriers that today’s students face, particularly students of color, first-generation students, students from low-income backgrounds, and working adults.

Transform Institutions: A highly structured, comprehensive approach to systemic change to improve students’ attainment of skills, credentials, and socioeconomic mobility. It is founded on the principle that everything can and should change.

Redefine Readiness: Fundamentally shifting the conversation about what it means to put students first, encouraging colleges to focus on their readiness for students rather than students’ readiness for college.

Redesign Supports: Recognizing that students need more than financial support and resources to be successful. It allows colleges to recognize and holistically support students’ academic and non-academic needs.

Butte College Communities of Interest

The first phase of redesign focused on organizing colleges by student pathways and making pathways visible to students. That phase included organizing Butte College's academic programs into five Communities of Interest.

Communities of Interest (COI) represent a network of students with similar academic interests and career goals. 

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Dash To Success Resources

Dash To Success
is Butte College's visioning of the next phase of Guided Pathway efforts. 
The Dash To Success Lead Team provides oversight to the Guided Pathways redesign work at Butte College. 

Dash To Success Place mat: Linking BC Guided Pathway Efforts to the Butte College Strategic Initiatives

Guided Pathway Resources

Redesigning America's Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success

Designing Student Success Teams to Provide a Student-Centered Ecosystem 
Webinar Insights // Designing Student Success Teams to Provide a Student-Centered Ecosystem // November 2022

Institute Insights "Connecting Students to Their Program of Study and the Greater Campus Community"

Butte College Guided Pathway DEIA2 Welcome Reception Presentation 2022

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